
Sam Bombos

BSc(ClinSci) MHSc(Osteo)

Certification in Applied Functional Science

Osteopath and Co-Director of Tailored Osteopathy.

An avid listener, passionately curious about humans and how they interact in the world around them. 

A self professed osteo nerd.

The aim: for people to (re)engage in moments and activities that matter to them, with an ever growing functional capacity and understanding of how their body and brain works. 

A person: when not in the clinic revels in travelling, hiking, practicing yoga and dabbling in language/conversation over a cup of herbal tea.

Craig Taylor

BSc(ClinSci) MHSc(Osteo)

Post Graduate Certificate in Strength and Conditioning

Osteopath and Co-Director of Tailored Osteopathy. 

Always learning and striving to build his knowledge base to better assist patients along their road to recovery. Craig also teaches at university and privately to physio clinics. 

The aim: To challenge patients to move outside their comfort zone. To increase your strength and mobility, encouraging your body to adapt and heal stronger than before. 

A person: when not in clinic keeps physically and mentally healthy by cycling and surfing, reading and travelling to experience different cultures.

Craig Taylor Osteopath, Sam Bombos Osteopath, Samantha Bombos Osteopath

Osteopath Newport, Osteopath Williamstown, Osteopath Altona, Osteopath Spotswood, Osteopath Yarraville, Osteopath near me,